Monday, June 27, 2011

Thank You!!

Please excuse the tardiness in this statement; but we would love to take this moment to thank you for your support on our April 16th event. We have received confirmation mail from Fukushima University.
We thankfully raised $2,000 even in such inclement weather. The full amount of your donation went directly to Fukushima University to help support their students who are having a difficult time due to the earthquake, tsunami and the radiation effect.
We are planning the next event on middle of July with good DJs lined up! Stay tuned!!
Again thank you so much for your support!!!

福島大学の方から4月16日に催したYew Nork JP イベントみなさんから貯かった義援金へのお礼メールを頂きました、イベントから大分経ってしまいましたが報告させてください。大雨の中皆さんのアツいサポートで集まった$2,000全額は福島大学へ震災・原発事故の影響を受けている学生の皆さんをサポートするのに使っていただけるとの事です。


Yew Nork JP様




振込者様のお名前も「YEW NORK JP」ということで承知いたしました。




〒960-1296 福島市金谷川1番地
TEL 024-548-5193 FAX 024-548-6569

Thursday, June 23, 2011

We Must Rise Again

Bunny Rugs (Third World), Gyptian, Cherine Anderson, Lukie D, Bushman, Ghost, G-Whizz, Duane Stephenson, Chevaughn, Junior X, Ginjah and Anthony Que came together to record a single song to support the people in Tohoku, Japan who have been suffering in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit on March 11, 2011.
*The song will be available on iTunes, Amazon MP3 and ringer song web sites in Japan. All the sales from downloads will be donated to the Japanese earthquake victims through Japanese Red Cross. The sales report will be posted on our Facebook page and blog. Big ups!!


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Shima Uta

June 23rd is Okinawa Memorial Day. Please have a moment of silence in memory of people who died in the battle of Okinawa 66 years ago and wish for the world peace.


Sunday, June 19, 2011



Thursday, June 16, 2011

3 Months After...

Japan continues to deal with the enormous task of cleaning up and moving forward three months after the earthquake and tsunami that devastated the northeast coast. I know we don't hear about it much anymore... Japan is also dealing with the damaged Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant which is causing possible great danger of radiation affects as well, and now the rainy season, which could increase the risk of disease as workers clear away the debris, is approaching... Please be careful!! Big up to all the people working so hard to help rebuilding the areas!! It's a long way to go...

地震&津波から3ヶ月が経ちました。。海外ではもうニュースにもなりませんし、多くの人たちの記憶からも遠のいてきている様にも感じます。東北地方では原発問題の心配が毎日の様に報じられている中、地方自治体、自衛隊、多くのボランティアの方々そして被災した現地の方々は日々復興に向けて頑張っていらっしゃいます。梅雨にはいると衛生面、放射能物質の降下付着等色々と問題も増えてきますが、くれぐれも自身の身にお気をつけて活動してください! 道のりは長いです。。

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Sunday, June 12, 2011

2011.06.11 3-4AM / Fukushima Nuclear Plant

this video from yesterday 11th June, 2011 3~4am at Fukushima Nuclear Plant... It doesn't look good at all...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

end 2 end

デンマークの鉄道DSB (Danish State Railways)の引退車両達は端から端までいい感じにボムられラストランとなるCopenhagenからAarhusまでを疾走~♪ おつかれさま!




♪ Resists x Babylon ♪

Friday, June 3, 2011