We are going to send 100% of the proceeds collected from our upcoming event on July 17 (Sun) to Operation Kodomotachi(Operation Children). It is a non-profit group that was formed right after the Japan Earthquake & Tsunami by musicians, artists, designers, actors and many creative people concerned with what the future generations are facing right now. They are working hard to help children in the areas that may have high levels of radiation. One of the main projects they have been working on is providing housing in Hokaido for the victims.
Many areas in Tohoku (North East Japan) are in great danger of high radiation levels even outside of the authorities' evacuated area. Children can not choose what to do. Adults need to direct them on the right path towards safety. We need to be more aware of what is going on and more conscious about what could happen to the children from the radiation in the near future.
We are looking forward seeing you at the event!! Let's have good music and Good time for Good cause!!!
7月17日に予定しているYew Nork JP チャリティーイベント第二弾で皆さんから預からせて頂く寄付金はオペレーション コドモタチへ支援金として寄付させていただく事になりました。