Monday, August 15, 2011

Spits On TEPCO

One of our supporter, Acapilco Gold came out with a new tee "Spits On Tepco" along with our main man Selector JD at Deadly Dragon Sound, to offer this Spit Tee on the most infamous of all corporations in Japan: Tepco Power Company, notoriously responsible for the nuclear disaster which continues to affect our people out in Japan. This tee is being sold exclusively in Japan and also on their website here in the states.

イベントをサポートしてくれているブランドの一つAcapilco Goldから放射能垂れ流しの東電に唾吐きつけたいと思っている方へお勧めなTシャツ"Spits On Tepco"が登場。無理せず出来る事から少しずつでもぶれずに訴えていきましょう!